Christian Ammann
With MYI since: 2021
Besides MYI: Founder & CEO GIANTS Software
Favorite Game: Gran Turismo
Loves: Japanese Cuisine and Modern Architecture

Christian Ammann is the founder and CEO of GIANTS Software. He was one of the developers of Farming Simulator in 2008. Switzerland’s most succeful developed game series to this day. Farming Simulator has now sold millions of copies and has launched its own esports competition since 2019, namely Farming Simulator League.
“MYI Entertainment has grown considerably thus far. The agency implements great projects, employs dedicated staff and has great potential. I have known its founders for a long time and am on the same wavelength. I look forward to mastering future challenges together with MYI.”
Christian Ammann
Sven Ruoss is Chief Product Officer at 20 Minuten / TX Group and has been committed to the digital transformation of the media industry for 9 years. On a part-time basis, he leads the CAS Digital Leadership course and is involved as a lecturer at the Institute for Digital Business at the HWZ Hochschule für Wirtschaft in Zurich.
“Esports and gaming is one of the fastest-growing industries that excites me. I am very happy to accompany the team of MYI Entertainment onto the next level.”
Sven Ruoss
Sven Ruoss
With MYI since: 2020
Besides MYI: Chief Product Officer 20 Minuten / TX Group
Favorite Game: SimCity
Loves: Marathons & Fine Dining

Dominik Allemann
With MYI since: 2020
Besides MYI: Co-CEO & -owner Bernet Relations
Favorite Game: Crash Bandicoot
Loves: US-Online-Music-Radios & Racebikes

Dominik Allemann is a co-CEO and co-owner of the LSA agency Bernet Relations. As co-founder of Bernetblog, he was a blogger from the very beginning of 2005. With various studies and publications as well as being a speaker and lecturer, he is involved in all aspects of digital communication.
“With the esports and gaming world, new dimensions of conception and communication are opening up. MYI Entertainment’s passion is contagious. It’s impressive to see what this team knows and is capable of. I’m happy if I can contribute to their ongoing success story.”
Dominik Allemann